Corporate Profile


The Company was created in 1971 to operate the petroleum product distribution and marketing business of parent company Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras. We have the largest capillarity in Brazil’s fuel and lubricant distribution and marketing segment, serving 7,817 BR-branded service stations and around 18.5 thousand customers in the Bulk Customer, aviation product and other segments as described below. To serve the thousands of reseller and consumer customer service stations, we leverage the extensive capillarity of our logistical infrastructure, operating in all of Brazil’s states, boasting 44 bases administrated by BR, 17 bases in pools administrated by third parties (pool with partners), 26 joint warehouses with other distribution companies, 8 warehouses at ports and 4 logistics operators, totaling 95 operating units. We also have 11 lubricant deposits, 4 lubricant logistics operators and we operate at 90 airports, all strategically distributed around Brazil’s five regions. From this platform, we are able to efficiently meet customer demand in any municipality in Brazil.

We are the Brazilian market leader by sales volume for fuel and lubricant distribution and marketing, and we deliver superior quality and excellence in products and services in each of our businesses, including:

Operating Segments:

  • Retail: Entails the sale of oil based fuels, lubricants, compressed natural gas, biofuels and convenience products of the Company through its resale operation;
  • B2B: Entails the sale of oilbased fuels and lubricants and provision of associated services to all operating segments of the Company’s major consumers market;
  • Aviation: Entails the sale of aviation services and products at airports in Brazil to domestic and overseas airlines;
  • Corporate Segment: Includes items that cannot be attributed to other areas, especially those related to corporate financial management, overheads related to Central Management and other expenses, including actuarial expenses related to pension and health plans for retirees and pensioners.

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